Branding Documentary Photography

Every artist and entrepreneur has a story to tell.

Storytelling through photographs is not just a great marketing tool for your business or craft, but it’s also a powerful way to connect with the people in your community.

A picture is worth a thousand words and my goal is to curate a collection of images that answer the questions of why you started your business and why your mission is so important to you.

I’ll photograph you hard at work, enjoying the company of customers and colleagues, quiet moments of concentration, and everything that happens in between. The day-to-day “behind the scenes” moments are where the deeper story of your business lives and customers will connect with that.

Ultimately, I will showcase the warmth and joy at the heart of your work. Because your business is a reflection of yourself and these photos are going to be just as real and honest and lovely as you are.

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Ask me about special pricing for social equity cannabis businesses in New Jersey